Wall to Wall Carpets | Portfolio Tags wall to wall carpets
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Little Rock is a great level loop pile 100% wool carpet. A great option if you don't like foot prints or don't like to much texture on the floor. Stocks limited, however plenty of similar options available. Product Featured: Tuftmaster, Little Rock colour 180/-...

Signature floors make a really nice, cost effective hybrid vinyl plank that is water proof, can be installed over ceramic tiles, installed in a multilevel residential space and is quiet. This installation was over ceramic tiles and transformed the space for a small cost in...

You do not have to spend a fortune to achieve a luxe look. Victoria Carpets, Wool Charm 100% wool carpet is a medium priced product that looks amazing, its a simple "sisal look" carpet with a distinctive line. The colour is a nice soft blend of grey...

Loop pile carpets are very hard wearing and sometimes people think they are too commercial. This chunky loop pile has a very soft luxurious feel underfoot and proves that they can suit any application from casual to luxe as shown in this display home. We...

Signature Floors offer a "shapes" range which includes triangles, hexagons, rightangle triangle, square, rectangle and trapezoid which enables you to create a space to your liking and the options are truly limited to your imagination. Click here to see more. ...